Friday, June 26, 2009


We are on the precipice, a point of no return. Obama wants all of this socialist legislation passed rapidly before you can figure out what is going on. Much of Obama's planned changes fit into the dreamland that most liberals live in. Justice Antonin Scalia accurately describes liberal thought in the following way: "It is like one of those snowy globes filled with floating flakes of liberal fantasies in an imaginary landscape. It's a perfect encapsulation of the sweet little dreams...of those who are barking mad."
Cap and trade (environmental legislation), to save the world, make everything green and clean. That is what it is claimed to be right? Like all their previous plans it's guaranteed to work without a doubt. Wrong it is a massive energy tax increase that will diminish every one's quality of life. According to Obama it must be passed quickly just as the stimulus package was, and the socialized medicine scheme should be. The so-called stimulus passed without our legislators having read it or us having a chance to comprehend it. If the majority of citizens understood the ramifications of these programs we would then certainly resist this change.
The socialized medicine scheme will be catastrophic if passed. If you would like to research what government health care looks like go to Two points to consider concerning this legislation are 1) private insurance premiums will be taxed to pay for the public coverage. Union members are exempt from this taxation, but not you. and 2) members of congress are exempt from participating in the public coverage that they and Obama will provide for you. They can retain the coverage they have. If it's good enough for you it should be good enough for them. If it's not then you should reject it. Prior to you accepting the destruction of our health care system, ask them if they are willing to accept the same coverage that they are offering you. Please telephone them and only accept a yes or no answer. 1 - 202 - 224-3121.

A. C. Smithson
Please see greeting.

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