Monday, June 1, 2009

Bye Bye American Car by J Jet

Years ago Don Mclean wrote the song "American Pie" about the day the music died. It recalls the death of Buddy Holly and the subsequent decline of American Rock and Roll. The era of blue jeans and white tee shirts, guys with fast cars and testosterone fueled competitiveness was quickly replaced by wimpy looking characters in paisley floating through cartoon flowers and romping around in yellow submarines. The sell off of Chrysler and the bankruptcy of GM need to be documented in song as the day the American car died. Great steeds of chrome and steel replaced by little plastic and battery hybrids so small you can't even make out in the back seat.

The American Auto Industry has been sickly for years, but recently, like a dying patient in a nursing home, has been artificially kept alive with infusions of billions of taxpayer dollars. We are being told that hopefully, with more tax dollars, the patient will be revived.

After GM's bankruptcy the subsequent entity would be owned by the government and the union, and would be a leaner, more competitive organization that would supply the types of products that people demand. This could be the best snow job of all time, worthy of great car salesmen. If you buy this we will throw in the free floor-mats.

Has anyone stopped to figure out what went wrong with the corporation that at one time was considered one of the symbols of American greatness? Simply put, could there be much of an argument against the premise that the demise of GM was caused by greedy executives, greedy unions, and governmental regulations and interference? The plan is that when we get rid of the executives, the unions and government will change their ways, and this venture will be successful. do you want the undercoating? How about the extended warranty?