Sunday, June 28, 2009


Turning over health care to a federal government that has proven over the decades that there is very little they can manage effectively is not the answer. The last six months prove this beyond any doubt. I challenge anyone to identify one thing done correctly by the federal government in the last half year. Support any challenge with facts no liberal hallucinations.
Washington D. C. is a collection of inept often time corrupt players that would control one-sixth of the G. N. P. and make life and death decisions regarding you and your family. This small group would have the final say. No appeal. If the current system were left in place you would at least have the option to appeal and ultimately change insurance providers. Consider an insurance company in Arizona for example, denies needed treatment to a particular individual, it does not affect the entire 310 million of us. A decision by the bureaucrats in Washington would.
There are two fixes that would dramatically reduce the cost of national health care if implemented. The first would be meaningful tort reform. If a physician was not required to pay malpractice insurance cost in excess of $100,000.00 a year, the cost of a doctor visit could be significantly reduced. Secondly, along the lines of the Safeway Corporation, there are other options. People who utilize the coverage less in a more responsible manner pay less. Those who overuse it pay higher premiums. Insurance coverage could be modeled after auto insurance. Doctor visits and routine medications should be paid out of pocket. When I was growing up this was the norm. Costs were kept down. Poor folks like ourselves who could not always afford the medication were aided by compassionate physicians. The doctor would give us a shot for a nominal fee, or furnish us sample medications he had in the office at no cost.
Insurance should be reserved for catastrophic illnesses. Cost of insurance would be significantly reduced. Think of it as you would auto insurance. You insure your car for theft and collision. Possibly you purchased a warranty against major breakdown. That's why you can afford it. There is a limited coverage. You do not insure your oil changes, tire rotations or wiper blade replacements. Think of health insurance in the same vein and you will realize considerable savings.
In the event the government should run the program you will be taxed to death. Every activity the government deems to be unhealthy will result in additional tax. Ultimately one or more of these activities will be used by the government to explain why a specific ailment will not be covered. Your conduct lead to it, therefore you are not covered. Allow the government to take over health care and it will go the way of Social Security and Medicare, guaranteed.
There are a number of other corrections that could be made to our current system without destroying the best health care system in the world. Consider it.
A.C. Smithson

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