Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Three days ago, at school, I saw a note posted advertising free meals to persons 18 years and under (possibly persons under 18), both breakfast and lunch. The liberals truly do believe that America is jut one big soup line. The dozen or so children gathered around it could not believe the absurdity of the offer, but a number agreed to participate. None will as they will not return to school from summer vacation to eat, even for free. Free my @#?. I along with the other members of the working class know it is not free, and we know who paid for it. I don't eat in the school cafeteria as I am asked to pay 3 times that charged to the students (if they paid) despite the fact that I have already purchased the food once before. Did the tax man shove his hand in our pockets one last time, in order to ensure he got everything, and discovered a sawbuck? Then a program needed to be created in order to deal with the new found wealth.
The wife and I were working around the house yesterday and at about 1:oo PM she mentioned she was hungry. I was hungry also. What if this program was for 65 year olds and younger. Why not follow the logic. Problem solved and we have already paid for the food previously. Since the government let us down I was forced to grill burgers.
If you have been confused by the whining consider this. The only people going hungry in this country are possibly the beggars on the corners and maybe the recent arriving immigrants lurking in the shadows. The kids are doing fine. They wear designer jackets, earrings (mostly boys), and expensive running shoes. They all have I-Pods and or personal play stations. None of the children are without cell phones. Have the proponents of this free lunch ever heard of Social Security, welfare, food stamps, Chips, Medicaid, Medicare, AWDC, food banks and a number of other handouts.
I think someone should alert the beggars since whatever funds they receive from their labors is either drunk up or pushed into their veins. They must be hungry. The program if expanded would truly benefit them. With the manner in which the economy is being systematically destroyed by the statist soon the program will be needed, but not now.
A. C. Smithson

Please see greeting


  1. You know I drove by a school offering free lunch and I was surprised that they were not lined up around the corners for free food. So what happens to all that uneaten food that was prepared?

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  4. It's his job. The ladies man deserves a bonus. Who needs health insurance? Obama is going to tax the rich people and give us health insurance for free.

