Saturday, September 5, 2009

Barry's Minions

I want to make a few brief comments and then ask a question. Anthony "Van" Jones, the Green Czar in Barry's Administration is the topic. Jones does not appear to be able to keep his mouth shut so I will let you know some of the things he says and thinks. He has described his childhood behavior as bookish and bizarre. He still is bizarre. While protesting the Rodney King verdict he was arrested. He indicated that he entered jail as a rowdy nationalist but by August of that year "I was a communist." In California he got involved in a group called STORM which was committed to revolutionary Marxist politics. The groups points of unity were revolutionary democracy, feminism, and internationalism. It additionally stood for the central role of the working class, urban Marxism and Third World Communism. His goal is to promote Eco-capitalism (wealth distribution). The Green-Collar Jobs Campaign is intended to improve racial and economic equality. The greatest hoax of modern times, man made global warming, is the excuse he uses in order to accomplish his agenda. He signed a petition alleging government complicity in the September 11 attacks. He has made numerous racist remarks for which he has had to issue apologies. He will control 30 billion dollars of stimulus money for green projects with no experience in energy production. He is and has always been (like Barry) a community organizer. He is one more of the score of radicals that Bary hangs with. Why because Barry is just like them. Van needs to go. He could never survive an FBI background investigation let alone a senate confirmation ergo he becomes one of the commie CZARS. Van go back to your racist cesspool in Oakland.
Now to my question. If I become a Communist and racist that hates America can I get a job in Washington overseeing 30 billion dollars?
A. C. Smithson

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