Sunday, September 20, 2009

Re-defining of words

The Democrat Socialist Party continues on it's quest to transform our nation into a socialist utopia. They continue re-defining words in order to keep people from focusing on their socialist designs. The D.S.P. intends to remake this nation into one that will ensure D.S.P. future power by making citizens subservient to the government. When the citizen becomes dependent upon the government for their needs the government will have complete control. The nation will not offer our future posterity the opportunity to prosper nor the freedom to enjoy life.
The D.S.P. has redefined racism toward this end. Previously racism meant, a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce and inherent superiority of a particular race. (Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, tenth edition, page 962.) The D.S.P. has redefined it to mean any person who disagrees on any subject with our socialist and chief (The Messiah). Don't for a minute think that the people spreading this lie, like Carter, are acting independently. They are doing it with his most holy blessing. These racist would include a large number of the 40 million white people who mistakenly voted to elect him. It would include the millions of white people who worship the Oprah, and the millions of racist white people who allowed Bill Cosby the opportunity to earn 35 million dollar a year during his career. There is no doubt that racism exist, as it resides in the D.S.P.
A. C. Smithson

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