Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Barry The Magician

The most merciful Barry the Messiah has accomplished a feat beyond belief. In at least half a dozen of his speeches given concerning his health care proposals he has repeatedly said 46 million people are without health insurance coverage. It use to be 47 million. Anyway, he gave speech after speech repeating 46 million, 46 million, 46 million, 46 million. During his speech to the joint session of congress he said over 30 million. It's a miracle! Overnight the number dropped by 16 million. Is he good or what. I have heard some say he subtracted the illegal aliens from the coverage he had previously lied about. I believe that the D.S.P. (Democrat Socialist Party) has lied so much they simply cannot keep track of the lies any longer.
A. C. Smithson

1 comment:

  1. Big Bird calls bullcrap on Michelle Obama and her husband the president!
    Source: www.youtube.com
    Here we have Big Bird on Sesame Street questioning Michelle Obama about the presidents social health care agenda and doubting that he was even born in the United States! Where IS the birth certificate? Seems like an easy enough document to produce in a moments notice, no? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=druQ6olIfm4&feature=player_embedded
