Thursday, September 10, 2009

Dumbo (Obama's) latest Healthcare speech

It is interesting how society interpreters things nowadays. Dumbo started lying from his opening remarks. Health care reform will not add one cent to the deficit. Lie number one. Then he said that illegal aliens will not access health care. Lied again. Dumbo (the ears) has no plan. The out front plan is the house plan. It has no mechanism for identifying legal status. Amendments put forth requiring legal status and excluding illegal aliens was promptly discarded by the house leadership. He said if you like your current plan and doctor you can keep them. Third lie. There was at least two more lies I can think of off the top of my head, but I don't want to bore you with details. Everyone eventually will be forced to join. It's in the house plan. The person lying is given a pass. The person Joe Wilson, R. South Carolina who told the truth when he yelled out "you lie" is the one that was scrutinized.

A. C. Smithson

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