Monday, September 7, 2009

Whale Wars

On a few occasion's I have watched this show on Animal Planet. The same channel where children receive their indoctrination training when not in school. All of these environmentalist claim to be saving the world and bringing awareness to the plight of animals. They all use the same worn out cliche's: the animal will only attack and bite in self defense, and the problem (whatever it is its due to ) mans encroachment into their world. Like humans are aliens and not part of the world. Steve Irwin took a spear into the heart while harassing a sting ray. In his honor the Eco-terrorist Sea Sheppard's named their ship after him. The Captain Paul Watson was drummed out of another psycho group named Green Peace. He was too far out even for them. He was one of the founders and they *#@$ canned him. He receives donations from gullible people whom he convinces that he is actually accomplishing something. Without him whales would vanish from the oceans of the earth is his claim. The whole lot of them are terrorists and at minimum should be imprisoned. He reminds me of Charles Manson. In one episode a Japanese sailor falls overboard. In that water he would be dead in 30 minutes. While the Japanese are searching for him the terrorists launch another attack. Captain Bly is one hell of an honorable man. The manner in which he manipulates these young people is laudable. He recruits a cast of international nitwits. These people are truly works of art. To say they are reminiscent of Gilligan is to do Gilligan a disservice. Gilligan never screwed up this bad. They mess up everything they touch. They are tossed aboard a ship and dragged to the frigid waters south of Australia. They chase Japanese whaling ships with the claim of ending whaling. They are always a day late and a dollar short. While practicing their Eco-terror they harass but never seem to be able to stop the whaling as the Japanese ships always make their catch. They throw stink bombs at the Japanese but since they throw like Obama they have to get in close and then the ships collide. Great Humor. Foolish people will continue to send money anyway. One day this misadventure will end in tragedy. These waters that the Sea Sheppards play in are extremely hazardous. These buffoons can't launch their speed boats, they can't navigate, and they can't maneuver a gaff without damaging the helicopters rotors. The crew members are so naive they don't understand that they are being manipulated by Captain Manson. Equally humorous is each of these mutants swear they will defend the whale with their lives. Then they continually remark that they are not on a suicide mission when they encounter their next screw up. When presented with the opportunity to exchange their lives to save a whale they always back down. They are always bickering and whining like the liberals they are. In the end they accomplish nothing other than providing some comic relief.
A. C. Smithson

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