Friday, September 11, 2009

Granting life to the non-living

Slightly more than a decade ago, a group of people who wanted to modify your behavior offered life to the sport utility vehicle. This new life form has since wreaked havoc around the nation. Media reports indicated that S.U.V.s have caused accidents, ran red lights, ran over pedestrians, and on one occasion drove off a fourth floor parking garage injuring three. Example of the coverage would be S.U.V. ran through railroad crossing collides with train, two people injured. Never the mention of a driver. Perhaps there wasn't one. Average citizens learned to mis-trust and rail against the ownership of the S.U.V. by other citizens. They have a mind of their own indiscriminately causing damage and mayhem. Pesky S.U.V.
This morning I heard the report of a high school cheerleader murdered by a gun. Somehow a football player was involved in the incident. Report: Gun crime results in the death of a cheerleader. The football player didn't kill her the gun did. In my life, I have been lucky in that I have never had a criminal gun. I have owned guns for 49 years. Never once has any of them committed a gun crime. Come to think of it my friends and relatives have never owned a criminal gun. Just dumb luck I guess.

A. C. Smithson

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