Sunday, August 30, 2009

Immigration Reform (amnesty)

Soon the democrat party will once again attempt to enlarge its voter pool by throwing open our borders, and welcoming a dependent class of citizen which will undoubtedly vote democrat. They vote democrat in hopes the government's social programs will continue to support them and there relatives. When we go through this again I propose the following reforms:

They must speak the common language (English)

Must be professionals or investors

No unskilled workers allowed

No bilingual programs in school

No special ballots in immigrants native language

No government business in immigrants native language

Foreigners not allowed to vote (non citizen)

No burden on tax payers, no welfare, food stamps etc.

Investors must invest 40 thousand times amount of current minimum wage

If purchasing land they are not allowed to buy water front land

Must relinquish individual rights to the property

No protest, no demonstrations, no foreign flag waving, no political organizing

No holding of political office

No badmouthing our president or policies, shut your mouth or get out

Enter the country illegally you will go to jail The first consideration involving the illegal alien is that they broke our law when they entered our country. Hence, illegal against the law alien. If you cannot maintain your borders you do not have a country. These proposed reforms are actually provisions extracted from Mexico's current immigration laws. If Mexico has the right to control it's borders, in any manner they see fit, then so do we. We not only have the right but the federal government has the responsibility, but thus far has chosen not to. Come legally and be welcome. P.S. Remember these laws the next time Mexico complains about the manner in which we treat their citizens that flee Mexico in order to have a better life.

A. C. Smithson


  1. Perhaps that is a tad hardcore. The more I think about it, the more I agree with it of course. Perhaps if not put forth so crudely, people will find themselves thinking the same thoughts I am.

  2. Dear Nastidon (what's a nastidon) thanks for writing. Please read it more carefully you probably didn't recognize that these proposals are not for real. They are what Mexico's standards are. I am not suggesting them for us. This is called a joke. Lighten up. We have plenty of laws now we just need to follow them. Enter the correct legal way and be welcome.


  3. Heh, I know that, and you know who this is to.

