Saturday, August 29, 2009

Edward Kennedy

As with Princess Di and Michael Jackson the Kennedy death is a media circus. A teacher who passed away a few weeks ago was worthy of these accolades much more than any of the aforementioned.
I remember Teddy this way. In 1969 while cheating on his wife with a young woman he drove down the road drunk. He ran off a bridge and plunged into the water. He fled instead of attempting to save the woman's life. His concern for himself outweighed any concern for her. He hid until sober and then turned himself in only to be exonerated because of his wealth and influence. He treated women no better than Clinton did. Throughout his life I saw no significant change, and one of his moronic friends recently stated that Kennedy would ask on occasion if there were any new Chappaquiddick jokes. What a hero. During his long and illustrious career in the senate he became known as the "Lion of the Senate", and we were the prey.
A. C. Smithson

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