Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Bamsters Healthcare Plan

Change you cannot believe in.
Elections have consequences. We wanted change and boy did we get it. The Nationalist Socialist Democrat Party is attempting to force nationalized health care down your throat ( a similar plan was instituted in Germany in 1883). They tell you lie after lie in order for you to accept it. They want control of one sixth of the economy and control over your life. It will allow the government to make decision over who lives and who dies, and how you live your life. It will in all likelihood destroy our economy. The people who object to this are called mobs, un-american, racist, nazis and kkk.. If you object to The Most Merciful Lord Messiah Barrack Obama you are guilty of blasphemy. George Bernard Shaw wrote "All great truth's begin as blasphemy".
A. C. Smithson

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