Sunday, May 15, 2011


Rush Limbaugh is selling a t-shirt that reads as follows:

On the front it reads,
Obama killed Osama.

On the back in smaller letters,
10 Somali pirates
3 Khadafy grand kids,
2 Osama wives,
The U.S. economy,
and got a peace prize for doing it.


  1. The first thirty years of my life I was a democrat. I outgrew my childish ways and got an education. I became a conservative, a philosophy which closely emulates our nations founding principles. I have problems with many Bush policies. I worship no man as do the liberal drones. Your comments are those of a thoughtless liberal drone simply repeating talking points. Your comments are void of any thought or intelligence. You claim Bush ran the national debt to record levels. I do believe he spent money on social programs, raising the debt needlessly. He doesn't hold the record though. The man-child Obama has tripled Bush's efforts. You claim Bush crashed the national economy. How did he do it? Tell me specifically. You can't, you have no clue. Was the recession a world wide recession or was it only in America? How many recessions have we had in the last 30 years? Don't know do you. Did Bush cause them? You were told to say he did. You say Bush destroyed the housing market. How exactly did he do it? Have you heard of the Community Development and re-investment act? President Carter's baby. It is in my earlier blogs, as is most of the other information answering your questions. The answers are available from many different sources. It is easier to parrot words rather than research the facts. It is just too much work to live up to your responsibility to be a well informed citizen capable of voting in an intelligent manner. Back to the C.D.R.A. heard of it? Probably not. Ever hear of Fanny and Freddie, or Dodd or Frank. The two who ran the banking industry in the senate and house. How high was unemployment under Bush? Is it higher now under Obama? What was the rate the first 6 years under Bush? Who has been in control of congress since 2006? Did Obama promise to close down Club Gitmo? Does it bother you that he lied to you? He promised that if we allowed him to waste 1 trillion dollars unemployment would not rise above 8 %. You don't care that he lied. He mortaged your son's future in order to funnel money to public service unions to repay them for their votes. You don't care do you. When he promised to get out of Iraq and lied to you no problem as he is not Bush. When he promised to legalize 12 to 20 million illegal aliens in order to grow the number of dependent citizens and add to the voting numbers of the democrat party he lied. He promised each of these things in the first year. I know what they told you to say. The republicans blocked him. Impossible as he controlled the house, senate, and white house. He promised that when elected the skies would be bluer and the ocean levels would drop. They didn't, did it anger you. At what point does the Messiah become responsible for our nations pitiful condition? 3 years, 5 years, 8 years 12 years or never. Will he forever be able to convince drones like you that Bush is forever responsible. The ecomomy will get worse this coming year. Is that bush's fault. Gas prices are high, and rising is Bush taking advantage of us to help his friend's in the oil business? Information is readily available for those not too lazy to check. The lazy easy way is to memorize drone talking points. The mature responsible, adult way is to study and research it. Find out for yourself. It saddens me that people idlely sit and have no clue what is happening around them or to them. Too lazy to educate themselves they sit clueless. Now I have some questions. Is Bush responsible for the extinction of the dinosaur? Did he kill the Kennedy's. Is he responsible for world War ll. Did Bush write the legislation creating No child Left Behind? You probably think so. Has Obama fixed N.C.L.B. as he promised he would.
    A. C. Smithson
