Monday, May 9, 2011

Can you trust the news media?

Unemployment is at 9% officially. The accurate figure is more like 16 to 17 %.

43 million people are on food stamps

The housing market continues to be weak.

Gas prices are high and on the rise.

Food prices are high and on the rise.

The dollar is losing value as we print more.

The economy is not growing.

Serious inflation is looming on the horizon.

The nation is in deep and serious debt, and the government continues to spend.

The nations media report that things are not bad. The economy is growing (slowly), but everything is moving in the right direction. Things are fine.

If we had the same news media in 1929 we never would have had a great depression.

We would not have been told about it.

A. C. Smithson

1 comment:

  1. Time to look at the way other governments do business and maybe have more people on food stamps and welfare..... or better yet, lower the tax for the rich as the Republicans would say!
