Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Democrats love of the military?

Little Dick Durban Democrat Communist-Illinois called our military members in Iraq; Nazis, Soviet Gulag guards, and members of a outlaw regime similar to Pol Pot. The Obama regime calls our Seal Team 6 all kinds of complimentary things since they killed Bin Laden. A short time back (within the last year) the regime put three of the Seal Team 6 members on trial. A terrorist alleged that while apprehending him one of the Seals punched him in the lip. The Seals were at risk of losing their careers. Now the terrorist did nothing really bad. He simply masterminded the capture, slaughter, mutilation, throat slashing, burning, and hanging upside down from a bridge the bodies of five American Citizens. The five were members of the Blackwater Agency which was providing security for supply convoys. These actions by the terrorist did not justify harsh treatment by the Seals according to the Obama regime. What do you think?

A. C. Smithson

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