Monday, May 30, 2011


In the past forty-eight hours I have discovered a new crisis for us all to fear and dread.

M.A.D.D. (mothers against drunk drivers) I believe acts in somewhat of a gender centric manner, by indicating only mothers are against drunk driving. I think you will find the majority of people are against it. I would venture to say that even the drunk upon quiet reflection will argue that driving drunk is not a good idea.

The new crisis is stupid driving. I have personally witnessed at least 10 instances of it in the last two days. Unbelievable stupidity.

I argue that stupid people contribute to almost as much mayhem as drunk drivers. Note to stupid drivers; if you are stupid or if you feel stupid on a particular day. Don't drive! Take the bus, there is plenty of room as very few people ride the damn things.

The purpose of P.A.S.D. (people against stupid driving) is to raise awareness, empower the people, level the playing field, and educate the citizens. (Does the cause sound liberal enough?) I will of course need donations and a government grant (multi year, multi million dollar) to accomplish my goal. I vow not to rest until there are no more stupid drivers on the road. I will work on this crisis with a laser like focus.

A. C. Smithson

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

2 trucks loaded with illegals headed to U.S.

Two trucks smuggling over five hundred illegals headed to the United States where taken into custody in Mexico. This is proof that the Democrat's "Get Out the Vote Drive," is operating in earnest.

A. C. Smithson

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Rush Limbaugh is selling a t-shirt that reads as follows:

On the front it reads,
Obama killed Osama.

On the back in smaller letters,
10 Somali pirates
3 Khadafy grand kids,
2 Osama wives,
The U.S. economy,
and got a peace prize for doing it.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Recently observed bumper sticker

"If you voted for Obama in '08 to prove you're not a racist, vote for someone else in '12 to prove you're not an idiot"


Monday, May 9, 2011

Can you trust the news media?

Unemployment is at 9% officially. The accurate figure is more like 16 to 17 %.

43 million people are on food stamps

The housing market continues to be weak.

Gas prices are high and on the rise.

Food prices are high and on the rise.

The dollar is losing value as we print more.

The economy is not growing.

Serious inflation is looming on the horizon.

The nation is in deep and serious debt, and the government continues to spend.

The nations media report that things are not bad. The economy is growing (slowly), but everything is moving in the right direction. Things are fine.

If we had the same news media in 1929 we never would have had a great depression.

We would not have been told about it.

A. C. Smithson

Saturday, May 7, 2011


It was reported that Obama Bin Laden, I mean Osama Bin Laden had not left his house in the past six years. It was additionally reported that three of his wives lived with him and, they had not left the house in the past six years. They call what we did torture.

A. C. Smithson

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Democrats love of the military?

Little Dick Durban Democrat Communist-Illinois called our military members in Iraq; Nazis, Soviet Gulag guards, and members of a outlaw regime similar to Pol Pot. The Obama regime calls our Seal Team 6 all kinds of complimentary things since they killed Bin Laden. A short time back (within the last year) the regime put three of the Seal Team 6 members on trial. A terrorist alleged that while apprehending him one of the Seals punched him in the lip. The Seals were at risk of losing their careers. Now the terrorist did nothing really bad. He simply masterminded the capture, slaughter, mutilation, throat slashing, burning, and hanging upside down from a bridge the bodies of five American Citizens. The five were members of the Blackwater Agency which was providing security for supply convoys. These actions by the terrorist did not justify harsh treatment by the Seals according to the Obama regime. What do you think?

A. C. Smithson

Osama is dead!

Goodbye Scumbag!

Osama Bin Laden is dead. Where did the information leading to his demise come from? From interrogations 4 years ago at Club Gitmo. The name of a trusted courier was discovered. It took four years to piece the information together. This lead to his death. Pharaoh Obama's lack of experience lead him to the conclusion that Club Gitmo should have been shut down.. Wrong Again!

A. C. Smithson