Monday, August 9, 2010


Governor Perry,

Am I one of the few persons in Texas who doesn't have a Lone Star Card? I just returned from Walmart and it was a typical scene. Person after person paying with their Lone Star Cards. One was a female undocumented democrat. One of her children dropped a cup of chicken nuggets on the floor. She hit the kid and left the nuggets on the floor. She was too sloven and lazy to pick them up.

The second was a white male, approximately twenty-five years old, earrings, tattoos, muscle shirt, with his chicky babe hanging on his arm. He pulled fifteen to twenty 100 dollar bills out of his wallet. He paid with his Lone Star Card.

An elderly lady stands outside in the hot sun holding a sign that reads: Homeless, large family, please help, God Bless. She like me may not have a Lone Star Card.

All three inside the store were able bodied and capable of working. Has Obamaville spread so far and wide that the elderly woman and I am the only persons in Texas without a Lone Star Card? If this is the case can you please advise me on how to obtain one as I only have 10 dollars left in my pocket after paying for my groceries, and appearantly theirs.

A. C. Smithson

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