Friday, August 27, 2010


Innovation has arrived at my job. We started work 2 weeks ago. Today we received our forms to document our work hours. One week ago we received a time clock. I work at a school as a sign language interpreter. If I am not in class the teacher would notice. The teacher within a few minutes would ask "where is my interpreter." I know the time clock is not about me. No information is passed on in our organization. I discovered that I must duplicate my time counting procedure 20 minutes before I was scheduled to leave work. Needless to say I stayed beyond my welcome.

We tried this time clock approximately 4 years ago at the urging of the principals secretary. It did not work out. Our rather bright principal at the time instructed that the clock would be discontinued, and packed away. My how time changes.

Like I said I know this new policy is not about me as if I tried to steal time, become a thief and criminal it would not work. The teacher I am assigned to would ask where is my interpreter. I would get busted.

I have been in law enforcement half of my life. I am a good, decent, honest person. I am however a little curious about what has transpired necessitating that we all use the time clock. Who is the genius that suggested the clock. Now as a person of some experience I understand a boss can ask for a time clock if she /he does not trust the employees.

It is not used by all schools in the district. Why must I and other employees at this particular school be held to a different standard. It is my understanding that punishment can be assigned for errors made while clocking in and out four times a day. I have heard numerous hourly employees comment on the stupidity of duplicating our work. If clocking in and out is their preference why do they not have it set up to satisfy the districts time reporting standards. Very inefficient and time consuming to duplicate the information a second time after it has already been documented by the clock. Is it typing practice?

I don't have a problem with it. If our superiors wish us to use our time doing clerical work to free up clerical workers to do little or nothing it is OK with me. I will have less time to teach the children.

A. C. Smithson

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