Monday, July 12, 2010

Obama"s Continuning War on Prosperity

Obama"s War on Prosperity will become obvious to most everyone after January 1, 2011. Only the most stupid among us will not be able to see who is to blame , our socialist leader. The Bush tax cuts will expire, Obama"s health care fiasco will kick in (tax portion), and he will implement his economic advisory councils recommendations. The middle class will pay considerably more in taxes, not just the rich. State and local governments will raise taxes in order to make up for shortfalls in Federal funding. The economy will really sink into the tank (you can't even imagine). Over 40 new taxes will kick in. Thank you Mr. Obama.
A. C. Smithson


  1. "The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money." - Alexis de Toqueville; 1835

  2. Ben Franklin had a similar quote to the effect that once people discover they can vote money to themselves the repuplic is done.
