Saturday, July 17, 2010

Cry Baby Obama

Our progressive socialist leader continues to whine that the mean republicans are obstructing his marxist designs. Only a total imbecile would not be able to understand the following. All these democrat politicians are mine numb robots. All of them, every last one votes as they are told to do. They never vote for what is right or on principle. Until Robert (sheets) Bird died last week the democrat socialist party controlled the White House , and both houses of congress. Bird a three year member of the KKK was not only a member in good standing, but a Cyclops (recruiter for the KKK). If minorities understood history very few would be members of the democrat socialist party. Next week when sheets Bird's replacement is sworn in they will once again have complete control of the government. With control of both houses and the White House the democrats could pass anything they want to. Anything! I repeat they could pass anything they want to. They do not need a single republican vote. One or two of the rino's (republican in name only) will however vote with them anyway. They could vote a cheese sandwich in as Ambassador to Mexico. They could reduce your taxes. They could raise your taxes. They could legalize all illegal aliens. They could allow drilling for oil. They could do anything they want to and republicans could not stop them. The republicans are powerless to stop anything. Remember this the next time you hear the Liar and Chief crying that the mean Republicans are interfering with his destruction of this nation. It is yet but another lie.

A. C. Smithson

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