Monday, July 19, 2010

Entitlement Society

Our nation has predominantly become a pathetic bunch of politically correct, entitlement mentality, pink pansies.
Even our illegal aliens (undocumented democrats) have become part of our entitlement society. They now demand and expect free housing, free education, free medical, free transportation, free lunch, welfare payments, and now even free dental braces.
Unemployed people receiving this seemingly unending unemployment insurance (99 weeks at last count, but an extension is pending passage) are now calling themselves funployed. One member of this group ( a Lawyer seen on Fox News Channel 7-17-10) says she realizes that one day she may have to return to work. However, for now it is fun and enjoyable to be able to sleep late and do whatever you want to. (separate thought: this lawyer's education was probably payed for by taxpayer grants.)
Might I add all of this is done at the expense of the working middle class.

A. C. Smithson

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