Friday, July 23, 2010


I am in disbelief at the news reporters who one after the other refer to Arizona's attempt to defend it's citizens as "That Controversial Immigration Law."
I will tell you what is controversial:
  • A federal government that will not protect its borders.
  • A small group of people who want the taxpayers to support illegal aliens.
  • A government who has taken control of your very life with it's health care law.
  • A government that has diminished your ability to pursue happiness with it's financial control law.
  • A government who will soon take away your liberty once it silences the opposing voices.
  • A government hell bent on redistribution of wealth based on some Utopian dream.
  • Ignorant citizens who blindly accept this governance.
  • A government who wages a daily war against prosperity.
  • A government that is spending us into oblivion.

These are some of the things that are truly controversial, but you don't see the media lap dogs reporting it.

A. C. Smithson


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