Friday, July 23, 2010


I am in disbelief at the news reporters who one after the other refer to Arizona's attempt to defend it's citizens as "That Controversial Immigration Law."
I will tell you what is controversial:
  • A federal government that will not protect its borders.
  • A small group of people who want the taxpayers to support illegal aliens.
  • A government who has taken control of your very life with it's health care law.
  • A government that has diminished your ability to pursue happiness with it's financial control law.
  • A government who will soon take away your liberty once it silences the opposing voices.
  • A government hell bent on redistribution of wealth based on some Utopian dream.
  • Ignorant citizens who blindly accept this governance.
  • A government who wages a daily war against prosperity.
  • A government that is spending us into oblivion.

These are some of the things that are truly controversial, but you don't see the media lap dogs reporting it.

A. C. Smithson


I will be passing out a number of my business cards with this blog site's address in Austin, Texas over the next week. Austin that progressive liberal bastion. I hope to receive some feedback which will demonstrate a lesson concerning open-mindedness and tolerance.
A. C. Smithson

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Blog Site Contents

This blog site is the repository of all knowledge both good and evil.
A. C. Smithson

Monday, July 19, 2010

Reprint from blog dated 5-29-09

You may be an Obama supporter if......

You may be an Obama supporter if you believe in the tooth fairy.

You may be an Obama supporter if you believe as in the movie Superman ll that you can rid the world of nuclear weapons.

You may be an Obama supporter if you think you can talk to terrorist, and then they will like you, and be friends.

You may be an Obama supporter if you are willing to trust an entity which has bankrupt Social Security and Medicare with your health care needs. Note: they can't even run the Postal Service at a profit.

You may be an Obama supporter if you believe global warming is caused by man and not the sun, and that paying higher taxes (Cap and Trade) will resolve the problem, and that Al Gore is not crazy.

You may be an Obama supporter if you know all the lyrics to Kumbaya.

You may be an Obama supporter if you wake up at noon in order to go pick up your welfare check.

You may be an Obama supporter if you believe that socialism or some form of fascism is preferable to our free market system.

You may be an Obama supporter if you think someone else should pay your mortgage.

You may be an Obama supporter if all your life your friends and family have continually reminded you of how gullible you are.

A. C. Smithson

Entitlement Society

Our nation has predominantly become a pathetic bunch of politically correct, entitlement mentality, pink pansies.
Even our illegal aliens (undocumented democrats) have become part of our entitlement society. They now demand and expect free housing, free education, free medical, free transportation, free lunch, welfare payments, and now even free dental braces.
Unemployed people receiving this seemingly unending unemployment insurance (99 weeks at last count, but an extension is pending passage) are now calling themselves funployed. One member of this group ( a Lawyer seen on Fox News Channel 7-17-10) says she realizes that one day she may have to return to work. However, for now it is fun and enjoyable to be able to sleep late and do whatever you want to. (separate thought: this lawyer's education was probably payed for by taxpayer grants.)
Might I add all of this is done at the expense of the working middle class.

A. C. Smithson

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Cry Baby Obama

Our progressive socialist leader continues to whine that the mean republicans are obstructing his marxist designs. Only a total imbecile would not be able to understand the following. All these democrat politicians are mine numb robots. All of them, every last one votes as they are told to do. They never vote for what is right or on principle. Until Robert (sheets) Bird died last week the democrat socialist party controlled the White House , and both houses of congress. Bird a three year member of the KKK was not only a member in good standing, but a Cyclops (recruiter for the KKK). If minorities understood history very few would be members of the democrat socialist party. Next week when sheets Bird's replacement is sworn in they will once again have complete control of the government. With control of both houses and the White House the democrats could pass anything they want to. Anything! I repeat they could pass anything they want to. They do not need a single republican vote. One or two of the rino's (republican in name only) will however vote with them anyway. They could vote a cheese sandwich in as Ambassador to Mexico. They could reduce your taxes. They could raise your taxes. They could legalize all illegal aliens. They could allow drilling for oil. They could do anything they want to and republicans could not stop them. The republicans are powerless to stop anything. Remember this the next time you hear the Liar and Chief crying that the mean Republicans are interfering with his destruction of this nation. It is yet but another lie.

A. C. Smithson


Someone please answer Michelle, Barrack, Joe, Nancy, Harry, anyone please respond so I know that you are out there getting the message. Sign it anonymous if you like just talk to me.
A. C. Smithson

Note to Michelle Obama

Say mama drop about 12 inches off those hips then we'll talk about childhood O BE SI TY.
A. C. Smithson

What are we thinking?

Socialism around the world in collapsing, imploding, belly up,broke, languishing in it's death throes, yet we allow these politicians to take us there. Socialism fails every time it is tried. It has failed world wide and here in America from The New Deal (FDR) to the Big F#$@*%# Deal (Obama/Biden). We better stop them in November before there is nothing left of America. We are on our way to becoming the New Venezuela with Obama as our Hugo Chavez.
How"s that hope and change working for you?
A. C. Smithson

Monday, July 12, 2010

Obama"s Continuning War on Prosperity

Obama"s War on Prosperity will become obvious to most everyone after January 1, 2011. Only the most stupid among us will not be able to see who is to blame , our socialist leader. The Bush tax cuts will expire, Obama"s health care fiasco will kick in (tax portion), and he will implement his economic advisory councils recommendations. The middle class will pay considerably more in taxes, not just the rich. State and local governments will raise taxes in order to make up for shortfalls in Federal funding. The economy will really sink into the tank (you can't even imagine). Over 40 new taxes will kick in. Thank you Mr. Obama.
A. C. Smithson

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Threat to America

The United States can probably survive Obama. It may not be able to survive the stupid people who put him there. Especially, if they ever become the majority.
A. C. Smithson

Saturday, July 3, 2010

First Female President

Democrats called Bill (the misogynist) Clinton the first black president. Barrack Obama with his hope and change, consensus building, concessions, sensitivity to criticism, compromise, and capitulation is clearly our first female president. With the torrent of non-sense flowing from his mouth there is little doubt that he is a natural blond.

A. C. Smithson