Monday, February 15, 2010

Near Death Experience

For critics of my writings a good thing almost happened yesterday morning. I almost killed myself. This information can also be viewed as a consumer safety warning. While in the shower I noticed that the non-slip mat was a little close to the drain. With the shower running I lifted the mat and repositioned it away from the drain. Un-be-knownst to me a non-slip mat with water under it becomes a skateboard (hydroplanes). In the blink of an eye I was airborne breaching with the grace and style of a Beluga Whale. I landed with kidney (left side) on the edge of the tub. I struck with such force I bounced into the air once again ; this time resembling more of a beach ball that a whale. I flew out of the tub, half way, striking my thigh on the side of the tub and my left shoulder hitting the floor. I managed to strike and jam fingers on both hands. This action felt as if it had been ongoing for at least 10 minutes. I was certain the motion was over and I was about to take a breath and begin to evaluate the damage. Suddenly, I realized it wasn't over when my head violently struck the tile floor. I thought back to to the early years when I was a bull rider in rodeos. It was like being bucked off a bull and you hit the ground. It's over, then the bull either gores you or kicks you in the head. Now that I have had twenty-four hours to recover I have had time to check the tile floor for cracks, and to find a bright spot in this near tragedy. I believe that I can make a tidy sum of money off this incident. I am relatively sure that I have three kidneys now. One on the right side and two on the left. I"m confident the one on the left split in two. I will sell the spare on the open market. This morning I discovered that I have an uncontrollable fear of mats, both tub and floor.

A. C. Smithson


  1. It is those times a shower cam would have come in handy for your followers to be enlightened! I am glad you were able to return to work, but perhaps a claim to workmen's comp because you were showering to get ready for work right?

  2. Workers comp is a joke nowadays it is only for those who are employed but do not work. It is reserved for those who didn't pay for it nor deserve it. The world is lucky there is no video of the near death experience.

  3. Wow! I missed all that the few days I was gone! Good thing kidneys can regenerate.You could get a nice lump sum of cash for your extra one on the black market!
