Friday, February 19, 2010

Just what is terrorism these days?

The pantie waist Barack Hussein Obama cannot allow the federal agencies to admit when a terrorist act occurs. He has so weakened our defenses we are no longer safe. It took 3 weeks for them to call the Fort Hood murders a terrorist act. This despite the fact that the murderer was a follower of a terrorist in Yemen, the murderer gave his Koran away prior to the murders, and he screamed out in Arabic "Praise to God" before he started shooting.

Yesterday, 2-18-10 another terrorist Joseph Andrew Stack flew an airplane into the IRS building in Austin, Texas. He did this after writing a manifesto outlining his complaints against the government and urging violence. He additionally set his house on fire. The government initially stated that the crash appeared to be an accident. What! This despite the fact the plane came in at full throttle, kamikaze style. Later in the day they called it an isolated criminal act. Again What!

Was this attack so unlike the Twin Towers attack that they can't see the similarities? (airplane---building---crash) Was the Oklahoma City bombing (explosion---federal government building---hate for government) much different than yesterday's attack? Both of these were rapidly identified as terrorist attacks. The only question is how long will it take Obama to admit it.

A. C. Smithson

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