Saturday, February 13, 2010

Great Danes

Today I went to Walmart. Elite liberals look upon Walmart shoppers with disdain and consider them to be hicks and rubes. Regular liberals don't like them because they are patronizing a store that is not unionized.
I have discovered that I learn something new each time that I go to Walmart. Today I was asked to contribute money to save the Great Danes. I didn't know they were in trouble. I failed to ask but now I wonder who is after them and why. What if anything did they do and how much danger are they in. Did they turn states evidence against the mafia? Do they have extensive gambling debt? Are they betting on the horses again? Is it a drug deal gone bad. Were they cheating with a married Dane and their spouse found out? I have no idea what the problem is but I wish them the best. They have now joined the legion of victims that need our help.
A. C. Smithson

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