Monday, January 18, 2010

Thank you Mr. Obama

I have been critical of Obama for approximately two years. It's time I acknowledge and applaud his many accomplishments thus far.

Thank you for relocating the terrorist dogs from Gitmo to the US.

Thank you for giving rights granted US citizens to the terrorist.

Thank you for wasting half a billion dollars on the future terrorist detention and trials in Illinois and New York City.

Thank you for rescuing the Carter presidency. His presidency was the worst in the past 100 years. Your first year has secured that honor for you. Now he's only number two.

Thank you for your political correctness which allowed the Fort Hood massacre to occur.

Thank you for continuing to search old women in airports but refusing to profile young middle eastern men.

Thank you for tearing down our economy.

Thank you for telling us that if we waste $787 billion for a Democrat slush fund unemployment would not exceed 8%.

Thank you for spending $27,000 of taxpayer money on each vehicle sold under the cash for clunkers program.

Thank you for traveling the world apologizing for us.

Thank you for being the most intelligent President we have ever had. At least until the next Democrat is elected president.

Thank you for promising openness in government, but sparing us the details by plotting behind closed doors.

Thank you for promising honest government while setting new standards of corruption.

Thank you for attempting to change the freest and most prosperous nation on earth into a socialist utopia.

Thank you for attempting to change the best healthcare system in the world into one with less access, higher cost, and lower quality of care.

Thank you for supporting abortion in every form including partial-birth and the denial of medical attention in the event an infant survives a botched abortion attempt. Lord knows that 42 million dead babies is not near enough.

Thank you for lacking humility and class, always blaming others. (It's Bush's fault) Whatever!

Thank you for supporting the legalization of more illegal aliens in order to create a larger class of people dependent on the taxpayer for support.

Thank you for proving that a community agitator with no experience can get nothing right.

Thank you for continuing to blame it on racism whenever you screw something up.

Thank you for being the type of corrupt politician which in the future this nation should never again vote for.

Thank you for promoting class hatred and charging the banks a punishment fee which they will pass along to the customers with higher ATM fees and interest rates. (Can you say TAX)

Thank you for working, supporting, defending, and financing the corrupt ACORN organization.

But most of all..........

Thank you for being you.

A. C. Smithson

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