Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Obama Goal

This week Obama stated that he would rather be a really good one term president than a mediocre two term president. News flash that train has left the station. He has proven himself to be a dreadful first term president. Time to set a new goal.

A.C. Smithson

1 comment:

  1. listening to the president's "disappointment" at the Republicans unwillingess to buy into his every word, idea and philosphy (after he claimed to enjoy debate and dissenting views).Start at 1:50. Notice how the questioner clearly states that the president SIGNED INTO LAW an increase in domestic spending by 84%. Obama's "decrease" in spending via his freeze reduces this increase by .03% (three hundredths of a single percent). Listen to how the president states that these increases were not a consequence of a policy he ... See Moreinitiated. HELLO. When he signs things into law, that IS the initiation!

    Nothing happens unless he signs it. PERIOD. He initiate it. He implies that this was the result of a previous policy and that he had no choice but to do it. Excuse me, but I believe that is exactly what executive power is for. Nobody forces a president to sign anything. One day America will demand that he accept responsibility.
