Saturday, January 9, 2010

Global Warming Hoax

It's starting to become abundantly clear that man-made global warming is a con. Perhaps the greatest con in human history. You have so-called scientist falsifying information. They refuse to release their research under the freedom of information act. This is done because it can be shown incorrect. The e-mails release revealed their attempts to conceal information. This entire joke has become a battle between Mr. Freeze and the con-artist Al "the bore" Gore, who has amassed hundred of million of dollars pushing this hoax. The only problem is Mr. Freeze is kicking his &@#. This winter is heading toward becoming the coldest in twenty-five years. One reason for the hoax is to exert greater control over human activities and to limit our freedoms. Another purpose of the hoax is to redistribute wealth to third world countries. This is suppose to assuage the guilt liberals have over possessing to much. Don't feel bad Al and Barrack will retain their monies. It will be our money spent.
A. C. Smithson

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