Sunday, January 31, 2010

Taxes by J. Jet

J. Jet is an occasional contributor to this blog site. She contributes ever so sparingly and hopefully in the future she will grace us with more wisdom. She frequently utilizes musical lyrics in her writings.

I am fascinated by people who get a $200 tax refund and claim that they didn't pay any taxes this year. Obviously, they have never heard that there are only two things certain in life, death and taxes. While death has always been looked on as something to avoid, lately there are many people who seem to embrace the idea that taxes are good, and we need more of them. Of course, they intend that someone else will pay the taxes and they will reap the benefit.

Let me tell you how it will be

One for you nineteen for me

A quick glance at the W-2 you will receive in February (those of you who still have a job), will show that you had federal, state, and local taxes withheld (taken out of your pocket) throughout the year. This is money that you could've spent, saved, or given to charity. However, that is just a skim, the amount that the government takes directly off the top.

This is assume, ok, fantasize, that you buy a product that is made here in the United States. The people who work for that company pay taxes just like you. The company also pays federal taxes on its profits, along with many state and local taxes such as property and excise taxes. These taxes are part of the purchase price you pay.

If you drive a car I'll tax the street

If you try to sit I'll tax your seat

But let's not stop there, when a product is shipped, the trucking company and their employees pay federal, state, local taxes. Plus they pay the taxes on the fuel and tires they use. In addition, they paid taxes when they purchased the truck.

Now the products go to the store and guess what? By now I think you get the picture. The store employees pay taxes, the store pays taxes. But here's the news: all of those taxes are paid by you when you buy the product! Oh yeah baby, the buck stops at your front door.

If it gets too cold I'll tax the heat

If you take a walk I'll tax your feet

Now our leaders want to do a little number called cap and trade. This will be an additional tax on all of the other taxes we will pay. And guess where that money will go? It will go not only to our wasteful government, but to the wasteful and corrupt governments of Third World countries. I hope that keeps you warm when you can't afford the price of heating your own home.

Cause I'm the tax man, Oh yeah I'm the Tax Man


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