Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Wonders of Research

Hundreds of thousands of decent caring people donate monies to all kinds of research. Cancer, muscular dystrophy, heart disease, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's are some of the better-known. I'm not sure that any of these researches will ever accomplish the goals they claim. A disease-free world is their professed claim. I guess that would mean we would live forever. In most of these efforts we will probably find we are limited by our humanity. There are just some things man cannot accomplish.

Another reason I say this is so much research money is wasted on asinine, ridiculous, wasteful research. What I am about to describe is only one of hundreds of wasteful research projects occurring as we speak. I believe it is because they (the researchers) are incapable of any real significant research (recent high school graduates.)

The University of California Irvine last week published the findings of their brilliant research. Now for the liberal person who does not want to be held responsible for any of their bizarre behaviors this research may be helpful. It's one more blow against any personal responsibility whatsoever. Consider how many tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars are wasted for this so-called research. (The money wasted on just one project could make life very comfortable for any one of us middle-class citizens.) Headlines "gene variant may be cause for bad driving." It's not your fault you crashed and injured someone, it's your stupid parents fault. Wait! It's not their fault it's their stupid parents fault, and this goes on I guess as far back as the first time anyone has ever driven. I don't suppose it could be you just grew up observing bad driving habits. No it couldn't be that it must be a gene thing. This is the type of cutting-edge research I support the heck with that cancer thing.

A. C. Smithson

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