Sunday, November 8, 2009

Political Correctness are we nuts?

Political correctness may be the end of us all. If a white man who has a Bible in his house were to shoot up an abortion clinic, he would be deemed a terrorist. He would be labeled as a right-wing, Christian nut. Consider a white man, shooting up a gay bathhouse. This person also happens to be a white man of the Christian faith. Would anyone including Obama or the liberal media have a problem coming to the conclusion that these men are domestic terrorist. If you're honest with yourself the answer is no. For at least a week all the headlines would read right wing Christian commits horrible domestic terrorist acts.
Concerning the shootings this week at Fort Hood, Texas, political correctness does not allow us to call this terrorist, a terrorist. With all the bizarre behavior and comments Hasan has made it is clear that any person not in a protected group would have been identified and kicked out of the service prior to these murders. In all likelihood the murders could have been avoided. All of the persons who witnessed his anti-American hatred were scared to say anything for fear of being accused of racism. Hasan yelled "Allah Akbar," as he began shooting unarmed citizens. He is a Muslim terrorist. Have we become total P.C. cowards? Are we afraid to speak the truth for fear of offending someone? See what this non-sense can lead to?
A. C. Smithson

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