Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Buyers remorse!

Yesterday, November 21, 2009, I was speaking to an old friend. He was explaining that his deferred compensation (retirement savings) were tanking. This soon led to a discussion of politics. He went on to explain that the economic problems were the result of Bush. He couldn't explain how Bush had done it just that he knew it was his fault. I pointed out it was a world wide recession and question whether he was responsible for all of it. I didn't bring up the housing market failure caused by the Democrats social engineering. Carter and then later Clinton forcing lending institutions to give loans to people who could not possibly pay them back. This practice did not exist prior to the government's involvement. Before the government (taxpayers) backing of loans, lenders only issued loans they felt relatively safe in recovering. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac served the purpose of encouraging these bad loans. I do hold Bush and McCain (McLame) partially responsible as they gave warnings in 2005 and 2002 respectively. They should have done a lot more than just warn. My friend went on to explain how our four dollar a gallon gas was due to collusion between Bush, and the big oil companies. He didn't seem to consider a possible impact of the commodities market, oil-producing countries output, supply and demand, peak driving season, refinery capacity, or any other possible factors. The big oil companies just like the big pharmaceutical companies overcharge consumers simply based on greed. The media has taught this lesson well, however, it would serve us well to consider the benefits that all of us derive from both of the aforementioned industries. Bush's friendliness toward big oil was the cause. When the price of a gallon of gas under Obama exceeds four dollars a gallon I wonder what we will think then.

My friend also remarked that Bush was stupid. He had not met him, but I had as a result of my previous employment. I found him to be both quick and witty. The basis of my friends opinion was a news conference, at which a reporter asked Bush a question, and then Bush asked a member of his entourage about it. This was proof that Bush was stupid. I wonder by this standard, where it leaves the rest of us.

My friend had some concerns about this Obama administration. He didn't seem to be too pleased about the current handling of the economy, unemployment, or this health care takeover. He wouldn't go as far as calling Obama stupid, but I will. If you allow yourself to be indoctrinated to the point where you feel government is the answer to all peoples needs and wants, your stupid. If your indoctrination causes you to hang around people like Rev. Wright (the hatemonger), William Ayres, (the domestic terrorist), or Van Jones, (the communist) to mention a few, you are stupid. If you have $787 billion at your disposal in order to boost the economy and the only thing you have to show for it is made up statistics on jobs saved, your stupid. Hell, if you gave me $787 billion, I could boost the economy. If you think that some form of tyrannical fascist government is preferable to our democratic republic, you are stupid. I could go on but why bother. I believe, as time goes on these things and more will become evident, even to the gullible.

My friend regrets his vote for Obama, and the change that came with it. In the future, he and a lot of other people will regret it even more. The amount of damage that these statist are attempting to do our country may likely be irreversible. Alexis De Tocqueville told us that in a democracy, "we get the government we deserve." Benjamin Franklin cautioned us,"they that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty or safety." On one occasion Benjamin Franklin was asked "what kind of government, have you given us, Mr. Franklin?" His reply was a challenge to every generation of Americans: "a Republic, if you can keep it."

A. C. Smithson

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