Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Democrat Socialist party concerned for your tax dollar

Democrat Socialist party members frequently speak of their concern for the kitchen table issues. I suppose this means average citizens working to take care of their families, and pay their ever-increasing taxes. Here's yet one more example of their concern for the average citizen. Politburo Pelosi and her husband are worth in excess of $40 million. She shows her great concern for us by rejecting the use of a United States Air Force C-20B., Gulfstream lll, that comes with the speaker's job. This jet had to stop and refuel on its weekly trips back to California. She felt herself too important and our tax money so unimportant that she ordered a larger jet. She felt she needed a jet that could make the trip without refueling, so she ordered a 200 seat United States Air Force C-32, Boeing 757 jet. The cost to taxpayers is approximately $60,000 one-way. (Her work week is generally 3 days a week, explaining the difference when you add it up.) This totals $480,000 per month. The annual cost to the taxpayers is $5,760,000. These cost are for fuel only, not the cost of the plane or it's crew. These clowns want you to drive smaller cars, put more air in your tires, and reduce your carbon footprint. Consider the arrogance of these people's actions.

A. C. Smithson

1 comment:

  1. ...and I was a bit concerned about driving my baby Hummer!!
