Sunday, August 30, 2009

Immigration Reform (amnesty)

Soon the democrat party will once again attempt to enlarge its voter pool by throwing open our borders, and welcoming a dependent class of citizen which will undoubtedly vote democrat. They vote democrat in hopes the government's social programs will continue to support them and there relatives. When we go through this again I propose the following reforms:

They must speak the common language (English)

Must be professionals or investors

No unskilled workers allowed

No bilingual programs in school

No special ballots in immigrants native language

No government business in immigrants native language

Foreigners not allowed to vote (non citizen)

No burden on tax payers, no welfare, food stamps etc.

Investors must invest 40 thousand times amount of current minimum wage

If purchasing land they are not allowed to buy water front land

Must relinquish individual rights to the property

No protest, no demonstrations, no foreign flag waving, no political organizing

No holding of political office

No badmouthing our president or policies, shut your mouth or get out

Enter the country illegally you will go to jail The first consideration involving the illegal alien is that they broke our law when they entered our country. Hence, illegal against the law alien. If you cannot maintain your borders you do not have a country. These proposed reforms are actually provisions extracted from Mexico's current immigration laws. If Mexico has the right to control it's borders, in any manner they see fit, then so do we. We not only have the right but the federal government has the responsibility, but thus far has chosen not to. Come legally and be welcome. P.S. Remember these laws the next time Mexico complains about the manner in which we treat their citizens that flee Mexico in order to have a better life.

A. C. Smithson

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Edward Kennedy

As with Princess Di and Michael Jackson the Kennedy death is a media circus. A teacher who passed away a few weeks ago was worthy of these accolades much more than any of the aforementioned.
I remember Teddy this way. In 1969 while cheating on his wife with a young woman he drove down the road drunk. He ran off a bridge and plunged into the water. He fled instead of attempting to save the woman's life. His concern for himself outweighed any concern for her. He hid until sober and then turned himself in only to be exonerated because of his wealth and influence. He treated women no better than Clinton did. Throughout his life I saw no significant change, and one of his moronic friends recently stated that Kennedy would ask on occasion if there were any new Chappaquiddick jokes. What a hero. During his long and illustrious career in the senate he became known as the "Lion of the Senate", and we were the prey.
A. C. Smithson

Prayer For Our Nation

Read the following carefully it's easy to recognize our society in these words.
"Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance, We Know Your Word says, "Woe to those who call evil good," but that is exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values. We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare. We have killed our unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable. We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem. We have abused power and called it politics. We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition. We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression. We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment. Search us, Oh God and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and set us free. Amen.
Billy Graham's Prayer For Our Nation

Beautiful Quotes

Two of my favorite quotes of all time are as follows.

"The saddest words of tongue or pen; to know the things that might have been."
A slightly different version and I believe the original quote is:
"For of all sad words of tongue or pen. The saddest are these: "It might have been!"
John Greenleaf Whittier, 1807-1892, American Quaker Poet and Ardent Advocate of the Abolition of Slavery.

"Here lies in Honored Glory, an American Soldier, known but to God."
Inscription on the tomb of the unknown soldier, Arlington Cemetery.

A. C. Smithson

Monday, August 24, 2009

Obama's Wars

I thought Obama was going to end the wars when he became president. They were wrong, wars of choice, killing of innocents and a waste of taxpayer money. They caused the rest of the world to not like us. Under Bush all of these things were true but now the wars are ok. I don't understand. If he is planning to surrender he should pull out today before one more American life is lost. Play politics with something else.
A. C. Smithson

Sunday, August 23, 2009


"Obama's health care plan will be written by a committee whose head, John Conyers, says he doesn't understand it. It'll be passed by Congress that has not read it, signed by a president who smokes, funded by a Treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, overseen by a Surgeon General who is obese, and paid for by a country that's nearly broke. What could possibly go wrong?"

Rush Limbaugh Program, August 20,2009

Golfer's Dream

A RECENT RETIREE was given a set of golf clubs by his former co-workers. He had never golfed. Thinking he'd give it a chance, he asked the local golf pro for lessons and explained that he knew nothing whatsoever about the game.
The pro showed him the proper stance and swing, and then said, "Just hit the ball toward the flag on the first green."
The novice teed up and smacked the ball straight down the fairway and onto the green, where it stopped inches from the hole.
"Now what?" he asked the speechless pro. "Uh... you're supposed to hit the ball into the cup," the pro finally uttered.
"Oh great. Now you tell me!"
The American Legion Magazine, September 2009 edition.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Letter to City Government/El Paso

The following is a letter I sent to the City Government after receiving a threat to clean another persons property or be sent a bill if I refuse.

April 12, 2008

Open letter to the Mayor of El Paso
City Council Representatives,
City Manager,
Media outlets

Dear Folks,

I returned home on 4-11-08, from a long day at work to find that I had been conscripted into the service of the City of El Paso.

Left on my front door was a notice from the Department of Environmental Services Division. It indicated the weeds in the alley behind my house had an "accumulation of weeds/grass over 12 inches" (w/in 10 ft from the rock wall of your property.) Alas, they caught up with this master criminal, Vietnam era Air Force veteran, with 20 years of civilian law enforcement and six years as a sign language interpreter for the deaf.

This alley- a narrow street; esp: a thoroughfare through the middle of a block giving access to the rear of lots or buildings. (Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition, 1995, pg. 30.) Not, it is the freaking desert. Depends what the meaning of is is.

I checked with neighbors to see if other criminals had been rounded up. I found one. He received a notice. He told me when he saw it he immediately entered his yard to determine the problem. I advised him they were talking about the other side of his wall. He indicated that was not his property and asked how he could be held responsible for that. I spoke with another neighbor who had weeds and debris but no notice. I explained the requirement and he asked me if we could move our rock wall outward since we were responsible for the 10 feet. I had additional questions also. I wondered since I'm a senior citizen if I were to drive around through the desert to access the Alley, and got stuck in the desert would the city pay for the wrecker to rescue me. Then I thought if I jump over my six foot rock wall and break my leg will the city pay the medical bills. Then I thought what if I stroke out while chopping these weeds will the city care for my family. Another question I had was whether or not I might be arrested for trespassing as this property is not mine. I have noted that a colony of prairie dogs reside beyond my fence as they have dug under it on occasion to eat flowers in my yard. Perhaps the city should consider doubling all property taxes, and fund an environmental impact study to see what effect the removal of this grass and 12 inch weeds will have on them. What of the prairie dogs? My apologies I have one more question. There is some kind of bush and a cactus, should I kill them or are they exempt? City please respond as I need answers to my questions, particularly about the cactus and bush (both over 12 inches), Live or die?

On one other occasion I had difficulty with that property. I was leaving to work approximately 15 years ago when two sheriffs deputies were at my front door. They had paper work that the city was suing me for failure to pay taxes on the property beyond the rock wall. I informed the plaintiffs that if they send me the title for the property, and name me the owner I would pay the taxes. I was not the owner then nor am I now.

This notice threatens that if I do not clean the alley within 7 days the city may clean it and send me a bill. It says that I caused it or allowed it to grow. I say the city caused it to grow. The city water reservoir, to the east of me , on a couple of occasions (possible repairs) has been drained. They tried to wash my back wall down as they ran the water right past it. The wall stood however the grass grew. The city caused it not me. (What of the prairie dogs?) The other possibility is I allowed it. I did not. It is not my property, and I never payed attention to it nor gave permission for it to grow. I never even thought about that property except for the time they sued me claiming I owned it. Could that land be after me?

Concerning this conscription issue, should the A.C.L.U. be coming to my aid? Why stop at 10 feet is my question? Marty Robbins Park is close to my house. The city maintains (ha ha) that property. Hint: Marty check your south fence, same problem, same alley/desert. You might take a peek at the reservoir also. Unless of course these rules apply only to the serfs and not the ruling class. The park is full of sticker weeds, has graffiti, and frequently looks sorta pitiful. Why not make me responsible for that. You could assign my neighbors to clean up the remaining desert around El Paso. Another question, will we get paid?

You may be thinking, old man, you have a job just pay someone to clean it. Wait until the city cleans it and sends you a bill, ( you can always get a second job in order to afford that.)

Today, I was discussing with my son his school assignment concerning the U.S. Constitution. In reading and analyzing it I was struck by the diametrically opposed concepts and principles of this nations founding, and those of a political sub-division run amuck.

How could a person be against a quality of life issue? I have thought about it, but I cannot see how forcing me to jump over my six foot wall, and chop weeds with my high blood pressure will improve my quality of life. Lower my property taxes, that would do it. Petition the U.S. Congress to investigate property taxes as they did those oil company executives. I understand you're attempting to save the world one rock wall, ten foot strip at a time, but it really didn't help me.

In conclusion, one final question. Since I have been captured and brought to justice is there a time table for the retribution against the following: The one or two vehicles a week that stop in the 11400 block of Cedar Oak and dump vehicle loads of trash out? What about the party goers that stand in the street at 1 A.M. drinking beer throwing their beer cans and bottles onto the street and into the desert (excuse me alley). What about the ones having sex throwing out their condoms on the street and alley, or the ones using drugs. What about the daily stream of teenagers that cut the fence and enter the reservoir for the same above stated reasons. What about the wonderful children spray painting the signs around your reservoir and the nearby businesses. Now that this master criminal is out of the way hopefully the enforcement officer can move on and solve these less offensive crimes.

Respectfully Submitted

Andrew C. Smithson
Master Criminal,
Faithful Tax Payer and Voter

Saturday, August 15, 2009

New Jersey Blues

If they arrest anymore democrat politicians in New Jersey, soon they will lack enough politicians to hold a town meeting.
A. C. Smithson

Healthcare reform

If you are truly interested in positive health care reform which will save money, tell you congressmen you want the following.
  • Tort reform. Doctors pay 30 billion dollars a year for mal-practice insurance. Many of the test they order are in self defense to avoid a mis diagnosis or un-diagnosis.
  • Allow citizens to purchase insurance across state lines as congress does. This will foster competition between the approximately 1,300 insurance agencies nationwide. The government claims they want the public option to encourage competition (there are already over one thousand competitors).
  • Keep the government out. They are largely responsible for the increase via Medicare, Medicaid and Chips.
  • Encourage health savings accounts.
  • Allow portability where individuals can purchase insurance in the same manner as large corporations.

Socialist and the hopelessly ignorant that continue to insist on socialized medicine can be aided in the following manner. Taxpayers will pick up the tab for transportation and a couple nights lodging to the socialist paradise of their choice. Canada, Great Britain or Cuba.

There are numerous other adjustments that could be made to lower the cost. Don't ask the federal government to take total control of your life and freedoms.

A. C. Smithson

Barry Obama

If he is not a Marxist Socialist (based on his presidential actions and numerous radical associations in the past and present) he probably will do until one comes along. He wants us all to be equally poor and miserable.
A. C. Smithson

A Special Person

Last Week we lost a special person. Her name is Corina. She is the special caliber of person you meet infrequently over a lifetime. I can count all that I have met on one hand. I was honored to have known her for the past four years. She had an incredible sense of humor and was quick with a smile and laugh. I observed her at work and she was the consummate professional who never failed to impress me. Her life was way to short and she will forever be loved and missed.
A. Smithson

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Bamsters Healthcare Plan

Change you cannot believe in.
Elections have consequences. We wanted change and boy did we get it. The Nationalist Socialist Democrat Party is attempting to force nationalized health care down your throat ( a similar plan was instituted in Germany in 1883). They tell you lie after lie in order for you to accept it. They want control of one sixth of the economy and control over your life. It will allow the government to make decision over who lives and who dies, and how you live your life. It will in all likelihood destroy our economy. The people who object to this are called mobs, un-american, racist, nazis and kkk.. If you object to The Most Merciful Lord Messiah Barrack Obama you are guilty of blasphemy. George Bernard Shaw wrote "All great truth's begin as blasphemy".
A. C. Smithson