Saturday, August 6, 2011

Credit Downgrade

The downgrading of our credit was due to to our enormous debt and our politicians failure to do anything about it. The republicans too cowardly and the democrats too stupid. Our government has spent us into oblivion. Both parties. The worst is Obama with his bailout, stimulus, and Obama care. Without this (3 trillion or so) we wouldn't be quite so bad off. His implementation of hundreds of regulations (over 600 last month) has killed the private sector. No jobs.

The alleged cuts in the credit limit legislation was in fact no cuts at all. They are future promises to cut. The debt will grow 7 trillion dollars more over the next 10 years instead of 10 trillion.

The lying liberals are telling uninformed, gullible college students that their Pell grants are being cut by 2 billion dollars. The truth is in the past 2 years the funding for Pell grants has increased 4 fold. That is not a cut.

The democrat plan is to tax and spend more. Are they crazy? The answer is obvious. The government of Pharaoh Obama will spend 3.7 trillion dollars over the next fiscal year. Is this not enough for them. Is there room for no cuts at all?

A. C. Smithson

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