Saturday, August 6, 2011

Al Jazerra English

Until this week Al Jazerra was limited to a few liberal anti-American bastions such as Berkley, Ca. and the Communist Republic of Vermont.

Al Jazerra the terrorist's media outlet with it hate America teachings is now in New York. Al Jazerra was and continues to be Al Quedea's spokes network. Al Jazerra is a supporter of the terrorist group who killed 3.000 Americans in New York and thousands of our soldiers.

Their first week of broadcast was audited and they continue to broadcast their anti-American rants. Hillary Clinton calls it real news unlike the talking heads on cable. Al Jazerra says it has turned over a new leaf. Well hell then let's just forgive and forget. We can pretend 9-11-01 never happened.

Hillary Clinton was instrumental in bring Al Jazerra to New York. Liberal Muslim outreach. The liberal liars in our government warn us against home grown terrorist, a small problem compared to the foreign terrorist. The hatred that Al Jazerra will preach I believe will help grow the small number of home grown terrorist. Thanks Hillary.

A. C. Smithson

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