Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Liberal hatefullness

On Monday 4-4-11 on the MSLSD network, the genius of Mika Brzezinski was once again on display. The program "Morning Joe" aired a video first shown by the liberal scum David Letterman. It showed Vice President Cheney in medical distress. He was gasping for air, and the video ended with a person on the operating table having heart surgery. The video which was completely disgusting was rapidly pulled as it demonstrated the true liberal heart. Mika burst into uncontrollable laughter and thought Cheney's suffering was the funniest thing she ever saw. She couldn't even speak. She laughed until she cried. In Mika's defense she is a liberal elitist, and we should not expect her to have either a brain, or a heart. She was number one on my list of journalist for my 2010 journalist awards, (see earlier blog). She was the winner of the most stupid journalist award. I want to tone my rhetoric down and have a kinder gentler debate which the left has called for. I guess that if I emulate one of them I can't go wrong. When Mika's dad the old commie, Zbigniew (security advisor to peanut Jimmy Carter) falls ill and is grasping for his last breath I will attempt to copy her good humor and class. I will laugh my ass off in an attempt to be kinder and gentler. A. C. Smithson

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