Friday, April 15, 2011

Are you better off?

Obama is on his scare campaign in order to get the uninformed to once again vote for him. The Republicans want to kill small children, no wait that's the Democrats with abortion, and starve the old people to death, another lie. The truth is that Obama is the thing to fear. Let's see what he has done to us in a little over two years. His policies and practices have:
killed jobs

spent us into near bankruptcy

produced more dependent citizens

entered another war

repeatedly lied to us

cause food prices to rise

promised more taxes and more spending

cause gas prices to rise

stole our children's future

weakened our military

showed weakness to our enemies

put Joe Biden to sleep

nationalized banks and auto manufacturers

diminished our rights and quality of life

given up some of our national sovereignty

pitted race against race, and class against class

funneled hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to unions in order to reward them for contributing money and voting for him

lessened our nations prestige in the world

This isn't all he has done, but it is indicative of where he has taken us so far.

I find myself hoping and praying for change.

A.C. Smithson

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