Thursday, November 11, 2010

Public Reprimand

I work as a sign language interpreter in the public school system.

On Tuesday I was late in arriving to one of my classes. I lingered in the previous class building rapport with the teacher. It is always good to have a friendly relationship with the teachers in whose classroom you work. I missed the first few minutes of the scripted initial assignment. An interpreter, and two teachers were present. All of whom can execute sign language to varying degrees. I was immediately pounced on and yelled at for being late. Late to one of ten assignments that I have on a daily basis. I have three minutes between each assignment so there is no justification for being late.

The following day one of the student who had overheard the reprimand asked. "Say man who was that old lady that was yelling at you. The wicked witch of the west?"

One of the items in education which is sorely missing is leadership and management training. It is one of numerous trainings available. The difference in this training and others the district provides is that this training would be beneficial to the organization.

In the field of education these magic moments are what we call re-arraigning the deck chairs while the Titanic is sinking, or business as usual.

A. C. Smithson


  1. Hi Andy I used your blog today to show everyone how much you like to talk.

  2. Not talk educate the heads full of mush that believe everything they hear. No questions asked.
