Monday, November 8, 2010

Is Life Still Worth Living?

If you listen to the liberal nuts the answer is no. Everything is a crisis or calamity that only government can fix.

The local newspaper today had an advice piece about an 11-year-old boy being distressed at watching the news. The father was advised unless his son is very sensitive (little girl) he can watch it, but the parents need to be present. The father was told to put the news in perspective. "Let your son know that although it seems like there's nothing but bad news in the world, there are plenty of good and positive stories that don't get reported." What's on the news is nothing compared to what they're taught in school.

What's being taught kids now days should scare them to death. They are told that the earth is overpopulated. That man encroaches on nature and is destroying species after species. That over collection, and over hunting, and overfishing are destroying the planet. Man has caused tumors to grow on turtles. Man is causing European Swans who are said to be more aggressive than the American Swan to kick the American Swan's ass. We are destroying the ozone. We are destroying the air. We are destroying the water. We are destroying the rain forest. We are causing one plant species not indigenous to an area to overtake and destroy native plants. We are causing a wasp to kill Afghan pine trees. Pesticides are killing bugs and everything else. Man is the quintessential devil on earth. According to these nuts were not fit to live among nature.

The liberals can't be blamed for the overpopulation crisis. Through their abortion practices they have killed over 40 million babies. Over 50 million have died from insect borne diseases since the late 1960s. One standout liberal nut Rachel Carson negotiated the banning of DDT the most effective pesticide in controlling these insects worldwide. Liberals have done their best to decrease the number of people on earth.

Now here's my point if all this crap that these pointy-headed, unthinking, drones accept as gospel was true would life worth living?

They have no answers for any these problems other than limiting individual choice, freedoms, and liberties.

What will be their answer to overpopulation? Extermination camps? Gas chambers? Death squads or what? And who would decide who lives and who dies? Now if I get to make the choices I could possibly get on board. If the choices are left to someone else I'd just as soon pass.

There is no longer any debate allowed in education. It's either my liberal nut cake way of indoctrination, or the highway. I say God forgive them for they know not what they do.

A. C. Smithson

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