Sunday, November 14, 2010

Do they really believe in man-made global warming

As I see it there's two groups of people that call themselves environmentalists. The first group is like the Gores and the Kennedys who profess their concern as a means of increasing their personal gain. Al (the bore) Gore has made millions off this con. The second group are innocent dupes with good intentions. Clinging to some cause gives their lives meaning. If it wasn't man-made global warming it would be something else. They want to show how intelligent and reasonable they are by standing with conventional wisdom. It's safe to go with the flow, with the crowd.

I question whether many of these followers truly believe the nonsense they espouse. Consider this: if people truly in their hearts believed we were destroying the planet by utilizing products derived from trees would they not stop or severely limit their use? Would we purchase houses made from wood? Would we continue making thousands of paper copies on a daily basis in our workplaces? Or would we simply refuse to kill a tree? Would we not drive clown cars, ride bicycles, or walkabout ( a bit of Crocodile Dundee lingo in order to spice things up)? Would we not take showers every other day and limit them to one minute. Would we not use one square of toilet paper as suggested by Sheryl Crow? Sheryl is the type of intellectual that believes this malarkey. I believe she suffers from too many drugs at too young an age. Would we not all travel by mass transit regardless of how time-consuming and inconvenient it might be? Would we not all have solar panels regardless of cost. Wouldn't we all hang our clothes out on the line to dry turning away from the traditional clothes dryer? Would we not keep our thermostats at 60° and wear a sweater? We would prohibit the use of coal putting tens of thousands of people out of work. Dirty, dirty, dirty. Without coal burning our electrical production would be cut in half. ( Yes over 50% of our electrical production is derived from the burning of coal). We would gladly do without electricity 12 hours a day in order to make up the difference. Would we not avoid exercise in order to limit the amount of carbon dioxide we release into the atmosphere?

I promise you if I believed in this nonsense (with the exception of the toilet paper) I would follow this guidelines. There would be no alternative. We would do all this and more in order to survive.

Think about it! Do they truly believe?

A. C. Smithson

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