Monday, December 12, 2011

Pitiful President

Barry our whiner and chief continues blaming everyone and everything else for his failures. Millions of ignorant people continue to believe him. These people never had a decent education and therefore can only be partially held at fault. They were never taught any history, only social studies (what a joke). They have no clue. I can name three presidents off the top of my head who had it as bad or much worse than Barry. George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Ronald Reagan. None of the three were whiners or crybabies like Barry. Hell I will throw in George W. Bush. He inherited a recession, an attack on our nation, rebuilding of New York, Katrina, two wars, and a consistent relentless attack by the liberal press. Even George didn't whine about it. Man up Barry. It will soon be over when we elect a real president.
A. C. Smithson

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