Friday, December 2, 2011

Future Prospects

After long and deliberate consideration I have come to the following conclusion; our great nation as we know it is coming to an end. I look at our nations youth from Occupy Wall Street down to middle school. Morals, discipline, self reliance, personal responsibility, is clearly missing from their makeup. They are ill-educated, intemperant, shallow, disrespectful, and clueless. This is our future and we are screwed.

It gets worse as many, many, of our so called educated adults are nothing more than mindless, waggish, weak-hinged, drones. You can spot them by their cries. "Perry is an idiot as he could not recall the third department of government which he claims he would close." "Obama is not responsible as he inherited this economy from the evil George Bush." With our nation on the edge of economic collapse this constitutes their deepest thoughts. With these mental midgets Obama could be the president for the next 50 years and he would still not be responsible for the economy. These sluggards will be allowed to vote. WE ARE SCREWED.

A. C. Smithson

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