Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Liar Liar pants on fire/ revising history again

This morning while channel surfing I briefly paused on MSLSD (MSNBC) where they had the Harvard educated commie babe Doris Kearns Goodwin discussing the Stanley McChrystal case. Goodwin is purported to be a Presidential Historian. Her comments almost caused me to hurl chunks.
Doris was explaining how President Lincoln had experienced insubordination and disrespect from General George B. McClellan during the Civil War. She told a story of how McClellan returned home from a wedding and went straight to bed leaving President Lincoln waiting for him in McClellans house. She claimed Lincolns aids pointed out that this act was disrespectful and that McClellan should be fired. She claimed that Lincoln argued that this breach of protocol was not important only the prosecution of the of the war and the future of the nation.
She went on to indicate that Obama would use the same judgment, calm, and process in deciding McChrystal's fate. She put Obama on the same level as Lincoln. Lincoln who many believe was the nations greatest president and Obama who history will prove to be America's worst. Lincoln who loved the country and did everything in his power to save, and Obama who hates this country and is doing everything in his power to fundamentally change. Lincoln an honorable moral man, and Obama a Chicago thug community agitator. This is what nearly caused me to upchuck. Obama is a vindictive little man who will destroy McChrystal if the act will not cause Obama any real political damage. Obama will fire McChrystal in a heartbeat if there is not a concern for what information McChrystal might reveal once he is free of military service.
McChrystal was wrong in his comments but he was truthful. He said Obama was ill prepared and ill-informed for their meeting, that he appeared to be ill at ease in the presence of the military, and that Obama did not meet frequently enough with his commanders.
The libs are constantly revising history but let me share with you the history that I learned concerning Lincolns firing of General George B. McClellan. George was seen as being meticulous in his planning and preparations. This quality was seen as hampering his ability to challenge aggressive opponents. George's failure in the Peninsula Campaign of 1862 and his poor performance in the Battle of Antietam were the cause for his firing. Lincoln stated " If General McClellan does not want to use the army, I would like to borrow it for a time." Lincoln put Grant in charge as Grant had a reputation of kicking #@! and taking names.
Now as to the commie babe Doris. She was accused of plagiarizing her 1987 book The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys. When discovered she said the mistakes were inadvertent and withdrew the book. She had been a regular on the PBS McNeil/Lehrer but was asked to leave "until she gets her situation resolved." Now PBS is not exactly a conservative bastion and if it saw a problem with her is must have been significant one.
Doris, Obama is not an F.D.R., nor a Harry Truman, and definitely not a Lincoln. The closest president he compares to is a second term of Jimmy Carter.
A. C. Smithson

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