Monday, December 14, 2009

Recently observed editorials

The first one is entitled Obama has "Bad Spending Habits" , written by El Pasoan Scott Graves. It reads as follows: We are governed by children who don't understand hard work or the value of keeping the fruits of one's labor. The Obamas would have you believe they originated from the oppressed underclass. This is untrue. Both benefited from Harvard educations and reaped the benefits of power and politics. Obama's attitudes towards money and taxes align perfectly with the Kennedys. It is quite easy to be generous when spending someone else's money and to opine about the poor and spreading wealth. The very people who so eagerly take our money from us and waste it don't think about what raising taxes does to those who work hard to try to improve their lot in life. Why should I work so hard to increase my earning capacity just to have it taken away and given to someone with less ambition. I promise you this: when the taxation Obama has planned for me makes it no longer profitable enough to work, then I will sit at home like the swill he is so fond of courting and I will stop paying so much in taxes. At least then Obama won't use my money to spread around.

The second article is by a Carl Poer is titled "Differing Views." He shows some of the clearer differences between conservatives and liberals. "If a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one; a liberal wants to ban them from everyone. If a conservative is vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat; a liberal wants to ban all meat products. If a conservative sees a national threat, he thinks of ways to protect the country; a liberal tries to find a way to surrender and still look good. If a conservative is gay, he quietly enjoys his life; a liberal loudly demands legislative protection and rights. If a black or Hispanic is a conservative, he believes he is independently successful; a liberal sees himself as a victim in need of government help. If a conservative is down and out, he thinks of ways to better his situation; a liberal wonders who's going to support him. If a conservative doesn't like a talkshow host, he changes the station; a liberal wants to ban them from broadcasting. If a conservative is a nonbeliever, he doesn't go to church; a liberal wants to remove God from everyone. If a conservative wants healthcare, he buys it or finds an employer to provide it; a liberal wants you to buy it for him. Get my drift?" Great job guys. Thank you.

These men are clearly independent thinkers and are not the sheep who would waste their votes on straight party Democrat.

A. C. Smithson

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