Sunday, December 13, 2009

Another gov't program that didn't quite work!

As I said before there are few things the government can do well. The war on poverty destroyed the black family. Social Security is almost bankrupt. Medicare is almost bankrupt. Cash for clunkers cost the taxpayers 27,000 dollars per car. The 787 billion democrat slush fund has not fixed the economy nor the unemployment situation. It only succeeded in paying back the people who elected Obama. I could go on for ever.
The latest program to fall short is the school lunch program. The quality of beef provided to schools by the USDA does not meet the standards required of McDonald's, Burger King, Jack in the Box, or any other fast food restaurant. The testing requirement for bacteria for the fast food establishments is way higher than that of the school lunch program. The rules apply to us and not the government bureaucracies.
The poultry provided consist of older chickens that Kentucky Fried Chicken never has accepted. Over a decade ago Campbell's soup stopped using them as they did not meet their standards of quality. Besides the school lunch program the only other users of the poultry furnished by the USDA are: fertilizer (ground up chicken remains), and pet food.
Yes, I want the government to provide for my every need and want, how about you? Government run health care is roughly 10,000 times more complex than the school lunch program.
A. C. Smithson

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