Sunday, October 18, 2009


Self-esteem and self-worth are wonderful attributes so long as you acquire them the old-fashioned way, you earn them. Self-esteem is defined as a confidence and satisfaction in one's self. Self esteem is generally built through accomplishment. There is nothing wrong with a person having confidence and self satisfaction so long as there is a relationship between that and their accomplishments.

In the early 1980s it was decided that there was a need for all young people to be full and overflowing with self-esteem. I believe this was a disservice to them in that it eventually led them to believe that they were the equals to their parents, teachers and adults. Youth no longer demonstrate respect or reverence toward adults or others. This is not difficult to understand considering these young people believe themselves to be equal to adults and every regard. When we discuss the psychobabble of self-esteem we disregard the fact that they've (the youth) have done nothing but take all their lives and contributed nothing back to society. Naturally, to the parents their children are precious and without flaw. To the general community, children displaying their unique style of crass behavior may be seen as slightly less endearing.

There is a difference between adults and youths. There's no great onerous in the acceptance that we are not equal. A difference exist between boss and employee, rich and poor, famous and not so famous. The list goes on. It is not a violation of their human rights, constitutional rights, or any other rights. Requiring children to accept the fact that adults are more knowledgeable, mature, and responsible in most instances, will not do permanent damage to the child. It will simply result in them growing up to be better adults.

In the words of preacher Billy Graham: "We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem."

A. C. Smithson

1 comment:

  1. School Answering Machine [HQ]
    by John Omoresemi (videos)
    I got a good laugh listening to this answering machine message from a school in Australia. Oh I wish some parents that enable their kids to mediocrity can hear it.
