Saturday, October 10, 2009

Barry the Nobel Prize Winner

Obama is correct in his statement that he does not deserve the award. Few of the recent winners did. He was nominated for the award 12 days into his administration. With him everything is about him. I'm sure his private comments were to the effect, it was inevitable, what the hell took them so long. He is our beloved egomaniacal leader. I believe his head will swell to the point that his ears fit.

Let's look at some winners and losers of the award.
Mahatma Gandhi- four time nominee, four time loser. Master of non-violent resistance. Roll model for Martin Luther King. Loser
Harry Truman- led U.S. to successful conclusion of World War ll. Saved Europe's and most of the rest of the world's ass. Loser
Winston Churchill- lead Great Britain during World War ll. Loser
Ronald Reagan- defeated the communist Soviet Union. Loser

Yasser (yes sir that's my baby) Arafat- P.L.O. terrorist. Winner
Jimmy (the peanut farmer) Carter- Messed up the U.S. economy. Double digit unemployment, double digit inflation, laughing stalk in the world. Caused the creation of the misery index. He is the worst president in modern U.S. history. (soon to be second worst) Winner
Al (Bore) Gore- nut case. Winner
Barrack Obama- (Messiah) leader of the hate America, blame America crowd. Denounces U.S. around the world. Attacks the capitalist economic engine of America, which created the nation with the highest standard of living on earth. Moving toward establishing a socialist utopia where we are all equally poor and miserable. Nearing double digit unemployment, soon to be followed by double digit inflation. Weakened our economy at home and our foreign policy abroad. His only answer so far is it's Bush's fault. Winner

Who will be the future recipients of this award? Perhaps one of the Castro brothers from Cuba. Hugo Chavez from Venezuela or possibly Ahmadinejad (accent on mad) from Iran.
A. C. Smithson

1 comment:

  1. "Just a sec, just a sec. Mr. Obama I'ma let you finish. I know you a great peacemaker an all....but I just wanna say....Yassa Arafat was the greatest peacemaker of all TIME!!!"
    This is for all you Nobel Peace Prize winners out there.
